EWSN 2010: Call for Posters (Dec. 20th)
Pei Zhang
2009-12-10 06:50:54 UTC
Apologies for multiple copies.

European Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks (EWSN 2010)

February 17-19, 2010, Coimbra, Portugal


Call for Posters and Demos

As the field of wireless sensor networks matures, new design concepts,
experimental and theoretical findings, and applications have continued
to emerge at a rapid pace. As one of the leading international
conferences in this area, the European Conference on Wireless Sensor
Networks (EWSN) has played a substantial role in the dissemination of
innovative research ideas from researchers all over the globe. For
EWSN 2010, the seventh meeting in this series, we invite posters
describing original, previously unpublished research results
pertaining to wireless sensor networks, broadly conceived. Topics of
interest include, but are not limited to:

· Hardware Design and Implementation

· Operating Systems and Software

· Middleware and Macroprogramming

· Communication and Network Protocols

· Information and Signal Processing

· Fundamental Theroetical Limits and Algorithms

· Prototypes, Field Experiments, Testbeds

· Novel Applications, including Urban Sensing

· Security and Fault-Tolerance

Posters and Demonstrations Submission Information:

Poster and demo proposals must be submitted as a PDF file with no more
than 2 pages containing an abstract describing the research content
presented in the poster or demonstration, along with title, authors,
institutional affiliations, and contact information. The title of
poster proposals should be prefixed by "Poster Abstract:", while the
title of demonstration proposals should be prefixed by "Demo
Abstract:". All submissions will be handled electronically via EDAS (http://edas.info
). We require that submissions conform to the Springer-Verlag LNCS
style. We will adopt a simplified review process for poster and demo
proposals. The abstracts of accepted proposals will be published in
the EWSN 2010 adjunct proceedings.

Important Dates (subject to change, please check website for latest

Posters and demos submission: Dec. 20, 2009

Poster and demos notification: Jan. 5, 2010

Posters and demos camera ready: Jan. 12, 2010

Poster and Demo Co-Chairs:

Paulo Pinto (UNL, PT), Slaven Marusic (Univ. Melbourne, AU)
